You’re Too Picky

I usually meet that comment with my normal eye roll and a fake chuckle. I’m so used to hearing it now that I’ve actually thrown out my entire defense.  I’m sad to admit that as much as I hate that “picky” label, I just quietly accept it.  I’m told my tastes will mature as I get older. I won’t care about things as frivolous as clean sneakers or how he says goodbye when he hangs up the phone.

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Why Are You Here?

We’re not here to talk about shopping, we are here to talk about the guy who took me on a date and his girlfriend called my cell phone, minutes after we sat down to dinner.  Or  the last 3 guys I dated who turned out to be frogs in Prince Charming attire. I’m here to share the feelings that keep me awake at night, tossing and turning.  I’m here to share the thoughts that echo the aches of my heart and the faith that keeps me persevering.  

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